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待磨上一檔徵件展演【徵相.寶藏巖Treasure Capture】集結許多素人攝影作品,期間有不少人詢問是否能夠購買我們只限內閱的作品說明冊,可惜當時並未大量印製.
為了感謝每一位參與的投稿者以及觀眾,我們特別把說明冊製成了電子書!讓每個人都可以回味每一張寶藏巖的照片!! 歡迎轉發唷! :)
Demo Studio collected many photos of Treasure Hill Artist Village from people who have enthusiasm in photography for our micro-exhibition-performance in May/June, "Treasure Capture".
During the exhibition, we produce a photography book for visitors reading in our studio only to know more about each photo. Many of you asked if we sell the book, but unfortunately, there were only 3 copies available so we couldn't sell them.
The good news is, now, to express our appreciation to all the participants and the visitors, we make the book into digital version so you can own it!
It's our pleasure if you share it to others! :)